The Big Story is a 1994 British animated film by Tim Watts and David Stoten from Spitting Image Productions and starring Frank Gorshin (previously known as The Riddler on the 1960s TV version of Batman).
A witty spoof on the films Kirk Douglas from various ages, a young 1950s reporter is looking for his big chance pleading his editor for a breaking story.
The film was animated twice: once hand-drawn and then again in stop-motion.
Quentin Tarantino requested this short to play before screening Pulp Fiction.
Released on the now out-of-print Short 1-Invention DVD
- 1995: BAFTA Award for Best Short Animation (won)
- 1995: Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film (nominated)
See also
- Ace in the Hole, the 1951 film about an ambitious reporter looking for a big story
- Postmodernist film
- Film noir
- AllMovie
- Stockholm Film Festival
- Park Circus
- The Story Behind "The Big Story"|Cartoon Brew
- 100 Greatest Animated Shorts / The Big Story / Tim Watts & David Stoten, Skwigly
- 1-Invention
- BAFTA Awards
- Short Film Winners: 1995 Oscars
- 1995|
External links
BAFTA Award for Best Short Animation | |
- 1994 films
- 1994 animated short films
- 1990s stop-motion animated films
- British parody films
- British animated short films
- 1990s satirical films
- BAFTA winners (films)
- Films about journalists
- Spitting Image
- Cultural depictions of actors
- 1990s parody films
- 1994 comedy films
- 1990s British films
- Animated films set in the 1950s