Essay title
Original appearance
Original title/adaption
"The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American"
The New York Times Book Review, 25 January 1959
"Princes and Powers"
Encounter, January 1957
"Fifth Avenue, Uptown: A Letter from Harlem"
Esquire, July 1960
"East River, Downtown: Postscript to a Letter from Harlem"
The New York Times Magazine, March 12, 1961
"A Negro Assays the Negro Mood"
"A Fly in Buttermilk"
Harper's, October 1958
"The Hard Kind of Courage"
"Nobody Knows My Name: A Letter from the South"
Partisan Review, Winter 1959
"Faulkner and Desegregation
Partisan Review, Fall 1956
"In Search of a Majority"
Adapted from an address delivered at Kalamazoo College, February 1960
"The Male Prison"
The New Leader, December 13, 1954
"Gide as Husband and Homosexual"
"Notes for a Hypothetical Novel"
Adapted from an address delivered at an Esquire magazine symposium on "Writing in America Today," San Francisco State College, 22–24 October 1960
"The Northern Protestant"
Esquire, April 1960
"The Precarious Vogue of Ingmar Bergman"
"Alas, Poor Richard"
Section 1: Reporter, 16 March 1961
"The Survival of Richard Wright"
Section 2: Encounter, April 1961
"Richard Wright"
Section 3: Nobody Knows My Name
"The Black Boy Looks at the White Boy"
Esquire, May 1961