Audrey's Kitchen is a satirical television cooking series produced by Working Dog Productions in Melbourne, Australia, for ABC Television. Each episode is only three minutes in length and features fictional writer, chef, life coach and choreographer Audrey Gordon, played by Australian actress Heidi Arena. The first series of ten episodes aired in 2012. The second series started airing in 2013.
See also
- "Audrey's Kitchen". ABC Television. Retrieved 12 August 2012.
- "Weekend free-to-air TV". The Sydney Morning Herald. 4 August 2012. Retrieved 12 August 2012.
- Blundell, Graeme (14 July 2012). "Cooking the books". Arts. The Australian. Retrieved 12 August 2012.
- "Audrey's Kitchen (TV Series 2012– ) – IMDb". IMDb.
External links
- Audrey's Kitchen program page on Australian Broadcasting Corporation website
- Audrey's Kitchen website
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